For over 20 years, The Gateway Church has been helping people not only to survive but to THRIVE in all areas of their life, and we know we are able to do this when we live out our mission in pursuit to reach one more! We have always been a DEBT-FREE CHURCH because we do not want anything to limit our ministry to those who need it!
For the past several years, we have seen significant growth and success in every area of our church. This success, however, comes with some growing pains.


Currently, we are seeing success in these areas:

  • NEWCOMERS LUNCH: A meal with those new to the church where they can meet others who are new and also meet the pastoral team.
  • GET CONNECTED: A class for those who are new to the church to help them discover their calling, learn their giftings, and give them an opportunity to get plugged into the church community.
  • MENTORSHIP: A ministry where those who are new to the faith meet regularly with a mentor to help grow in spiritual insight and discipline.

Right now, all of these classes meet in the Gateway Kids wing, causing stress and disruption after services and during the week.

OUR PLAN – Phase 2 Building

Classrooms: Additional classrooms will provide opportunities for more people to meet at the church for different purposes at the same time.
Meeting Spaces: Additional meeting spaces will provide needed privacy for mentoring, counseling, and other pastoral and ministry services.
Offices: Additional offices will provide staff with the needed space to be better equipped to serve.


NEED: 3000 sq. ft. addition
Projected Cost Estimate: $650,000 (does not include furnishings)


Click the “Donate” button to support our BUILT to THRIVE Building Project.

Donations are handled securely by PayPal. A PayPal account is NOT NECESSARY. You can select the “Donate with Debit or Credit Card” button on the form if you don’t want or have a PayPal account.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
I/We understand that The Gateway Church is relying on the funds committed for the building project and I/we will donate amount specified on this form by November 30, 2024.
Clear Signature

By Cash or Check

When you’re at the church during a service, you can give using an envelope! Envelopes are available at the Giving boxes in the lobby and on either side of our sound booth.  Just fill out the information on the front of the envelope with your designation to the “Building Fund” and drop it into the Giving receptacles.

We are also able to accept gifts by mail; check and bank billpay. Make checks payable and send to: The Gateway Church, 700 Maple St, Spring Lake, MI 49456.

Text 2 Give

Text an amount and the word “building” to 231-994-6114
Example: 100 building

Check out these videos of how The Gateway Church is reaching one more…

© The Gateway Church, 700 Maple St, Spring Lake, MI 49456
(231) 799-2141 | office@thegateway.church